Community Voices

Sharing your perspective on policy issues is a powerful way to advocate on behalf of yourself, patients, and others in the medical community who have been impacted by various federal programs, initiatives, and legislation. It also shows policymakers how critical these programs are to ensuring the health of our patients, communities, and the health care workforce.

The AAMC Action community collects stories year-round to serve as powerful reminders of why it’s important to advocate for Graduate Medical Education (GME), medical research, health equity, and other key issues. View the unique insights from other community members below.

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Join other AAMC Action community members who help advocate for the academic medicine community and share your connection to the below issues.

One of the strongest arguments for robust investment in NIH funded basic, translational, and clinical research is a purely economic one. From this perspective, investment in NIH funded research generates a better return for the US economy than the vast majority of Wall Street investment houses do for their clients, which puts the US Gov't up there with Warren Buffet in terms of wise, long term investing.
- Ken
I sent a letter to my representative because medical research is important for discovering new information about people, diseases, cures, and more. As a community health worker, I understand and want to see more health equity for many people including the underserved and underrepresented.
- Charlene
I treat breast cancer patients in clinic and work at the lab bench. Medical research saves lives, and we see it firsthand. The immediacy is some patients who might’ve died of their breast cancer 10 years ago are cured today. What is challenging is that other patients are not cured and they continue to need our help.
- David
I believe research is vital to advancing the scientific knowledge of the human body, health, and disease.
- Nareg
Financial support is crucial in times like these with funds to support the endeavors of the brightest minds willing to do the toughest work. Ultimately, the outcome benefits us all with a clearer path to understanding all the questions associated with human suffering and human triumph. NIH Funding is a crucial investment in the now as we wait for breakthroughs in medicine, treatment and pharmaceuticals in the future.
- Drusilla
Working at a hospital, I see countless patients with dementia, and I see the effect it has on them and their families. The confusion, the anger, the sadness, all stemming from an illness without a proper treatment. Funding research is absolutely necessary, because without it, the field of medicine cannot advance, and countless people will have to endure diseases and illnesses that we can research ways to prevent.
- Mitchel
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